monday song #32: falling in love


manic depression is always portrayed by a kinetic actor balancing energy and speed.

but there is another mood that is just as prevalent: the racing mind and quiet body. thinking done with teeth gritted, grinding and grinding.

at the height of my heights, i went on a walk where i was consumed by a tidal wave of spiritual insight, an almost audible opening sound, i felt like scatman caruthers shining.

i was 33. jesus’ age. feeling like everywhere i walked would one day be enshrined as a holy ground, a destination for my future pilgrims. thoughts were flying in so fast, they left a breeze. a single-minded focus on truth and existence, in the shadow of a certainty that was growing omnipresent. like lsd with your sanity still intact.

i was locked in the state of falling in love. a deep passionate romance, but not focused on a person. just pure love in the abstract, such that everywhere i turned there was a new rush of excitement, of clarity, of understanding, of communion.

a sad outcome of this experience is that years later it has left me with a sadness when i get those moments of humming awareness. if i get too happy, i might be getting sick. i was already a pessimist. it didn’t need reinforcement.

parts of the melody and the harmonic structure owe a debt to the suicide note section of “thanksgiving” (monday song # 29). seemed fitting as i saw sullivan’s son as mentally ill, with a manic flush when he wrote his last words. not sad, but enthusiastic about the dangerous next step. it’s a lowly thing to rip yourself off. but it’s a victimless crime.

scatman caruthers in his bed in florida receiving danny’s shining. but with a smile, and no elevator blood.

2 replies on “monday song #32: falling in love”

  1. Hong Kong Scatman fuey!
    The number 1 super guy..
    Stumbled upon some old scatman on wax.
    A must have for any collection of mood swingin music
    It has become my morning
    house cleaning album.
    Sits right next to the
    Ella Fitz
    Eartha Kits
    And 78s of Mz. lady day.

  2. Hong Kong Scatman fuey!
    The number 1 super guy..
    Stumbled upon some old scatman on wax.
    A must have for any collection of mood swingin music
    It has become my morning
    house cleaning album.
    Sits right next to they
    Ella Fitz
    Eartha Kits
    And 78s of Mz. lady day.

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