monday song #57: cattle

 lyrics think of the millions of cars on this planet. the millions driving around. the millions rusting in wrecking yards and standing on blocks. the millions that exist only in the memory of humans long dead. so many goddamn cars. why would he ever think he could possibly make it to work on time?

monday song #53: close-up

lyrics william holden is face down in the swimming pool. the police arrive followed by the press. flashbulbs pop. questions go unanswered. gloria swanson creeps down the stairs. an elderly spider, patient, arms held at unnatural angles, ready to dance or cast a spell. her head tilts off center; her once lovely face pulled tight by […]

monday song #50: love song

 lyrics mr. luchesi starts from a shallow sleep. the alarm clock says 3:34 am. that makes two-and-a-half hours sleep he’s managed since crawling into bed at 9:30, out of ideas, resenting his wife for making him put the kids to bed a third night in a row. she sleeps soundly beside him. she must […]