monday song #78: heavy metal man


i wanted to do a song with just the bass as the main instrument. i started playing this riff last night watching my son play xbox. wrote the entire bassline without an idea of how the melody would go.

the result is something like the doors meets donovan, with some heavy-handed lyrics to boot. more than almost any other monday song, these lyrics are random. it’s not that they don’t fit the tune, but they came with little thought and editing. part of that was being crunched for time, but part of it was an effort to work a less polished theme, matching the tone to the repetitive line. not sure what i think of them.
the drum part is really a thumbnail sketch. it just needed some help building, and i can always count on reason’s redrum to bail me out.

i’m pleased with the way the harmonies worked out, and the counterpoint on the choruses. i’ve also provided the requisite dreamy bridge, this time pushing only the mids, sounding like it was sung in a phone booth. (remember those?)
it’s been a down few weeks, and i think the music has reflected that. getting these tunes done has been one of the few bright spots, and then monday comes. it’s an aptly named site…

come back next week for more lemonade.